The project CVETNET „Networks reskilling SMEs employees and mentors by bridging generations and digital gaps“ is a European project co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme and it aims at building capacity of CVET provider’s networks and its members in order to better adapt their organizations and trainers in supporting SMEs to reskill and upskill their managers and employees on intergenerational learning and adaptation to digital transformation. CVETNET will strengthen cross-border collaboration and enhance VET with a new common methodology for individual learning.
In January 2019, the WKÖ participated in the Erasmus + Call project with the project "CVETNET" as project partner. The project consortium comprises 7 organisations from 4 countries (Bulgaria, Austria, Spain and the Czech Republic). The lead partner is the Czech Chamber of Commerce.



The CVETNET consortium strengthens transnational networks of training providers with mutual knowledge through joint learning of best practices, through the use of new individual learning methods and the EQAVET toolbox with indicators for providers of VET.

The project will achieve these objectives through the following activities:

  • Study, exchange and transfer of best practices and methods
  • Capacity building of the national networks
  • Strengthening and development of new cooperation links between the networks
  • Development and transfer of new innovative methods
  • Provision of continuous feedback
  • Communication and exploitation of the results of the European Skills Week

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