EULEP: Innovation in continuing vocational education and training through AI, VR and Social Innovation
The EU project EULEP aims to further develop and deepen the areas of artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and social innovation (SI) as a means of promoting lifelong learning in companies. These innovative technologies are intended to make vocational training more attractive and effective.
Main objectives of the project
- Making continuing vocational education and training more attractive for lifelong learning.
- Offering new and customised training modules for companies that meet their skills needs in innovation-oriented areas such as AI, VR and SI.
- Upskilling and reskilling of people with skills and competencies relevant to the labour market in the fields of AI, VR and SI.
- Development of innovative, learner-oriented teaching and learning methods for the continuing education of vocational trainers.
- Building or strengthening knowledge triangles at regional and national level through the triangular relationship between businesses, VET providers and the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH).
- Embedding vocational education and training in regional economic development strategies and strengthening its governance for a sustainable path.
EULEP is a four-year EU project in which 20 organisations from 8 countries - Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Italy, Latvia, Spain and Turkey - are working together.
Further information