In 2021, the new CVETNET Handbook will be finalized. It is based on the "SMEs Human Capital Needs Report" prepared by the CVETNET partners, which contains an in-depth analysis of SMEs' needs for upskilling and re-skilling to acquire new competences with regard to digitalization and intergenerational learning.

The handbook offers innovative methods for cross-generational training as well as best practice examples such as "reverse mentoring". It also shows ways to design assessments and individual training pathways for employees of SMEs.

In a pilot phase, 100 individual training pathways will be developed for the employees of interested companies in 4 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Spain and Czech Republic). These training pathways will be anonymized, collected in the CVETNET Handbook and thus provided to the companies. 

After this pilot phase, a "Blended Learning Train the Trainer Handook" will be developed, containing new training techniques. Webinars for "Blended Learning Train the Trainers" will be offered to SMEs to further qualify their employees for the digital transformation.

The aim of all these activities is to strengthen the competitiveness of companies on the market so that they can respond better and faster to sudden market changes and crises and train skilled workers sustainably.

